Have you ever thought about starting an art collection, but don’t know where to start? Don’t worry, we’re here to help! In this blog post, we’ll give you everything you need to know about how to start collecting art. We’ll cover topics like finding the right pieces for your collection, building a budget, and more. […]

4 Feb/19

When Joe Rand asks real estate agents who routinely cut their commissionswhy they do it, he usually hears one version or another of the same response: “Well, half a loaf is better than no loaf.” Joe Rand It might be hard to argue with that logic, particularly if the choice is between a full loaf and four-fifths or […]

4 Feb/19

Many people send questions to us about confidence. How do you build confidence and conquer fear and anxiety? There are many techniques out there available, but our favorite one is coming from US NAVY SEALs Mental Training. It is called the “BIG 4”. Navy SEALSs, as you probably know, have the most difficult military training […]